Sheen Hair Salon


Okay, so we're talking about super success here.

One of the first things you need is to aim beyond what you are capable of. I'm serious. You must develop a complete disregard for where your current abilities end.

Try to do the things that you're incapable of. It's liberating.

I promise you that nothing is impossible, and you really can make your vision of where you want to be a reality.

As a teenager, Victoria Beckham's ambition was not just to be better than her mates or even become a famous singer, but to become a world brand. She not only dreamed about it but wanted it enough to go about getting it. That in itself makes her different from most of us.

It's not how good she was that mattered, it's how good she wanted to be (I can't tell you how important that sentence is).

She's quoted as saying as a teenager, "I want to be as famous as Persil Automatic". What is interesting in that quote is that she didn't compare herself with George Michael or Mariah Carey rather she saw the fame of Persil Automatic as her yardstick.

Laugh at it if you will, but it's this highly original imagination that got her where she is today.

Have a great week.....


12 Aug

Sheen Hair Salon

2 Lichfield Terrace, Sheen Road
Richmond, Surrey
Tel: 020 894 06464
Sheen Hair Salon