Sheen Hair Salon

That sinking feeling

Hey ✋

You may have seen the story about 75-year-old Richard Ogilvy, a Scotsman who bought a dilapidated pre-war boat from another private yachtsman several years ago.

Mr. Ogilvy has spent over 5,000-man hours - not to mention £13,000 - restoring his dream which he eventually launched at Burghead Harbour in Scotland.

Unfortunately, his vision for the vintage yacht quickly became a nightmare when it began to take on water and sank within five minutes of being launched!

Despite laying claim to what is probably the shortest voyage in history, it clearly takes more than that sinking feeling to get the retired forester down. He managed to retrieve the boat and got it working again to make it fully watertight - and sailed her around the Moray Firth.

What I love about this story is that he hasn't let a major setback deflect him from his vision.

We all have setbacks BUT it's how we think and act when the going gets tough that ultimately defines us.

Statistically, some of the people reading this note today are in the midst of having a really shit time.

Whether it's their job, challenges with friends and family, problems with money, or some other challenge just take heart from the deep understanding that:

A) a smooth sea never made a good sailor (although it does help if your vessel at least stays afloat for a little while!)
B) it’s how you respond that will be the measure – and the making – of you.

You see, even when major setbacks occur there are always things you can do to get back on track to where you want to be.

Trust me, I know!


12 Aug

Sheen Hair Salon

2 Lichfield Terrace, Sheen Road
Richmond, Surrey
Tel: 020 894 06464
Sheen Hair Salon